Ralph Raulie

Ralph Raulie is the Technical Manager at FiberTite Roofing Systems by Seaman Corporation. At FiberTite, he oversees the technical department, including tech reps and all FiberTite System installations, codes, and approvals, providing technical support to contractors when needed. Ralph has been involved in the roofing industry for over 15 years. Prior to FiberTite, he worked in Market Development for ExxonMobile Chemical Company. He holds patents for his work in composite roofing and methods of producing composite roofing, as well as translucent propylene-based elastomeric compositions. He also worked for Versico as Manager of Technical and Warranty Services. Ralph is the Co-Chair of the SPRI Membership Committee. He serves on the Research Committee at the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing. He is also active in RCI, and vinyl roof advocacy and public policy. He graduated with a BSBA in Marketing and Finance from Rockhurst University.

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