Azusa Pacific University's Azusa campus is situated in the San Gabriel Valley, located 26 miles northeast of Los Angeles, an area known for its scenic beauty, ethnic diversity, and recreational activities.
Project Details:
Name: Azusa Pacific University
Dates: Installed in September, 2006
Location: Azusa, CA U.S.A.
Project Story:
The city of Azusa provides a safe and stimulating atmosphere in which students pursue academic and cultural endeavors. APU also offers extended access to masters and accelerated programs through regional centers, online programs, and Operation Impact.
When the roof of the Administration building needed to be replaced, APU facilities management considered re-roofing with a built-up roof system, since a built-up system was currently on the roof. However, since the earlier built-up roofs had only lasted ten years, Roy Larson, President of Larson Single Ply, recommended FiberTite as the best option for this project due to its track record, low maintenance and energy savings. “Other factors included a lack of odor during installation,” stated Larson, “Also, FiberTite saved APU money on installation because it wasn’t necessary to tear off the existing roof, which would have been required for a built-up roof.”
Larson Single Ply has more than twenty years experience with roofing projects in California and Nevada, serving mostly restaurants, schools, heavy industry and numerous commercial sectors.
It did not take long to convince the folks at Azusa Pacific University that FiberTite was indeed the intelligent choice for their re-roofing project. By the time the project was halfway completed, they were so impressed with the FiberTite membrane and the work of Larson Single Ply that they decided to expand the scope of the project from 70,000 square feet to nearly 100,000 square feet.
The additional roofing included a re-roof of the campus theater and a girls’ dorm, two buildings that were managed by two different project managers who had viewed, and were impressed with, the initial FiberTite installation. Larson Single Ply and APU went on to develop a five year plan to re-roof several other buildings.